Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013


Sobat semua , pernah nggak sebel gara- gara mau nginstall yahoo messenger tapi ketika kamu download di website resminya (punya yahoo) ternyata kamu cuman dapet file intaller nya aja, selanjutnya kamu kudu install online-mode. Pasti sebel apalagi kalau jaringan internet kita lemot, atau kita mau nginstal nya di rumah, kan ndak bisa nginstal kalau ndak punya koneksi internet di rumah. So, mendingan download yahoo messenger versi offline nya aja, sehingga kamu bisa install di mana aja dan kapan aja, mesti tidak sedang terkoneksi dengan internet. Selamat mencoba

Download Yahoo Messenger Offline Installer

atau bisa ke SINI

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Nokia PC Suite: Aplikasi wajib untuk pengguna HP nokia

Nokia PC Suite merupakan software yang disediakan oleh pihak perusahaan HP Nokia yang diperuntukkan untuk pengguna setia handphone ber merk Nokia.

Dengan  Nokia PC Suitekamu bisa:

1. Membackup dan merestore file di HP kamu
2. Transfer  file, foto dan musik dari HP ke HP maupundari HP ke komputer, dan sebaliknya
3. Edit nomor kontak.
4. Menambah aplikasi HP nokia kamu (game, opera mini, dan lain- lain)
5. Kirim SMS lewat komputer.
6. Ubah format file ring tone (misal dari video ke mp3)
7. Memainkan MMS dan video
8. Menjadikan hp kamu menjadi meodem untuk komputer kamu, sehingga bisa internetan lewat PC pakai modem hp

Download Nokia PC Suite
Download Nokia PC Suite alternatif
Download Nokia PC Suite alternatif
Download Nokia PC Suite alternatif

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Recuva: Software untuk memulihkan file yang hilang atau terhapus dari PC (GRATIS)

Secara ndak sengaja file penting di PC kita terhapus? Jangan kuatir, ini dia solusi nya, Recuva mampu mengembalikan data/ file yang terhapus dari PC, Handphone, digital camera card, MP3 player atau apapun bentuk memori nya. Dan yang penting lagi, GRATISSSSS

Download Recuva

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

Download Koleksi/ Kompilasi Aplikasi Portable Gratis


PortableApps.com is the world's most popular portable software solution allowing you to take your favorite software with you. A fully open source and free platform, it works on any portable storage device (USB flash drive, iPod, memory card, portable hard drive, etc). With millions of users all over the world and a full collection of open source software (as well as freeware and commercial software), PortableApps.com is the most complete solution for life on the go.

Dengan aplikasi ini kamu bisa memperoleh software- software terfavorit dalam satu kompilasi lengkap sehingga kamu dapat menaruh nya di flashdisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya, dan bisa kamu bawa ke mana- mana kamu pergi. 
ThemesPortableApps.com PlatformPortable App Directory - The portable app store
Download, install, and GO


  • Make every PC feel like your own
  • Use your favorite software everywhere
  • Carry your bookmarks and settings
  • Edit your documents, photos and more


  • Free. No time limits. No catch.
  • No registration required. Never was.
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  • OSI Certified Open Source Software™.

Download Portable Apps GRATIS

Download Game FPS Gratis: AssaultCube 2013 (alternatif dari counter strike)

ScreenshotsA player accidentally blowing himself up with his own grenade.


AssaultCube is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on the CUBE engine. Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it's addictive and fun!

With efficient bandwidth usage, it's low-latency and can even run over a 56Kbps connection. It's tiny too, weighing in at a lightweight 40 MB package available for Windows, Mac and Linux. On the correct settings, it can even run on old hardware (Pentium III and above).

Download AssaultCube For Windows (Ringan, Ndak Berat size hanya 40 MB)

Download Game America's Army 2.5 Assist 2013: Counter Strike Alternative (GRATIS / FREE)

Mission: SF Dockside


A GUI client application for Downloading Installing and Playing Americas Army 2.5 on Windows, Mac and Linux with a new custom authorization system. On the server side a Desktop server manager for Windows, Mac and Linux and a Command line dedicated server manager for Windows and Linux. Backend server components include a replacement authorization system using the Battletracker account & stats database and a PunkBuster log streaming server which records players possible cheating activities.

First Person Shooters

Download America's Army 2.5 Assist

Download Game Strategy Gratis (Warzone 2100) MULTI PLATFORM (WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC)

Main Menu
In Warzone 2100, you command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has almost been destroyed by nuclear missiles.
The game offers campaign, multi-player, and single-player skirmish modes. An extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies, combined with the unit design system, allows for a wide variety of possible units and tactics.
Warzone 2100 was originally developed as a commercial game by Pumpkin Studios and published in 1999, and was released as open source by them in 2004, for the community to continue working on it.
Enhanced Terrain in 3.1.0+

Download Warzone 2100

Download Pengganti/ Alternatif Microsoft Office yang Gratis tis tis...

Apache OpenOffice


Kenapa pilih Apache OpenOffice?

1. Lengkap (meliputi word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases)

2. Mudah di gunakan

3. Gratis

    Ndak usah beli, ndak bikin kantong bolong, bebas sweeping...

4. Multi Platform OS (Bisa dipakai di Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)

5. Support lebih dari 17 Bahasa di dunia (multilanguages)

Download Apache OpenOffice